Introduce Yourself : Can you be too young to write? by Safa Ahmed

Can you be too young to write?

I’ll start off gently, my name is Safa, as of now I’m 15. I grew up in a community that made me feel safe despite our differences as they stuck to their cultural traditions. To be realistic, I will never be able to become an actress, no matter how much I dream of it. Growing up in a Muslim home has not forbidden me physically, but it would be viewed as inappropriate and somewhat “shameful” especially for a girl, like me in other peoples’ eyes. My parents always wanted me to be a doctor but as a kid I would dance in the living room recklessly knocking down every glass on the table because I wanted to be in performing arts. My passion died down tremendously until I started daydreaming since the age of 12 about different movies I would direct and envisioning the scenes in my head. You ever heard of maladaptive daydreaming? Hours on edge constantly thinking of scenes, writing out the dialect of the characters on my notes app, deciding what music would fit the scene and play it in my head while imagining it. Today I joined stage32 in hopes for someone to reach out and say “Yes, you’re 15 and young but you could write my film and we could daze off into the sunset with people wanting more.” I don’t see the film industry as just a way for people to make you famous, I don’t see it as art either, but I see it as freedom. I cannot express my own teenage dream in the every day world, so envisioning it hours everyday is my idea of youth alone. Though you may stay in your room, even if it’s all day, your life is still a movie and you have written it subconsciously, just like how screen writing is, without realising you are creating and writing life. I don’t know if this will tell you enough about me as an introduction, but I have so many ideas, stories for the young and the old, take it as a teenager of age, and take the risk of listening to someone with no experience. I’d like to say I get good grades in school, but people will always criticise your level of intelligence but never question your creativity. I’m always open to advice from other writers, whether screenwriting gives me fame or not, I don’t care, I just want others to watch my envisions with me without the guilt of keeping my creativity just to myself. To be honest I’m young and I don’t know what I want to do in the future, I want a taster of everything and if I enjoy it, then I’ve made my own direction.

Ronika Merl

Hi Safa,

welcome to Stage 32.

You seem like you are a very smart and forward young person, and I admire that.

Not going to lie: it's hard. But you can absolutely do it. But you definitely seem like you have a vision and are not put off by hard work - that is what is going to make you stand out from the pack.

Youth is wasted on the young... or so the saying goes, but you seem to know how to make it work for yourself. Writing comes from experience. So don't stop. Just write. What you write today will be different to what you will be writing in 10 years from now, or 20 years. But it will matter just as much.

Dreams are just that, until you put them into action.

Please keep at them. Start small, start local. Start with people close to you, and you will notice how quickly your network grows and builds.

The most important tip I can give anyone of any age is that you need to be excellent to work with. You seem like a humble yet determined person, which is what will help tremendously. Make other people's lives easier - help others before asking for help when starting out in the film industry. That will soon build a reputation that you are a must-have on any project.

Feel free to reach out if you feel you need to ask something or just chat.

Best of luck. You got this.

Katherine Blessan

Wonderful to hear your youthful idealism, Safa! Dreams can definitely come true, but they don't always happen in the way that you expect so be prepared for the unexpected and be prepared to work extremely hard!

Amanda Toney

Safa, thank you for being so open and honest in your introduction. We welcome you to this community with open arms. Sometimes there are limiting factors to our life circumstances, but never give up on your dreams. You are surrounded by people who will encourage and support you here on Stage 32. Keep us posted on your creativity! And, don't forget to upload a photo so you can continue to use the platform.

Urszula Zinserling

Hello Safa, your introduction is very interesting and creative - yes, it is, it shows you have writing skills indeed. Do not give up with your dreams! I gladly invite You to my network, I am also a beginner here :) Good luck!

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