Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone by Brigitte Millar

Hello everyone

So happy to be here and meet so many talented people from all over the world. I am an award winning, London based European/English actress with recurring credits in 007 James Bond Spectre and No Time To Die and interested in good roles in TV/Indie Film/netflix/Amazon in Europe, UK and U.S.

David P Perlmutter

Hi Brigitte Millar I’m also in London, and an author and supporting artist! Nice to connect!

Brigitte Millar

Lovely to hear from you

Amanda Toney

Hi Brigitte - great to meet you! You've had such a tremendous career and I read on your bio that you have the O1 visa, which is great! I think your journey and perseverance would be inspiring for the community. I'd love to have you write a blog about your journey. Shoot our blog editor Taylor an email ( and also connect with our community director Shellie Schmals: - we'd love to get you more involved with the community! And, I usually visit London once a year for Stage 32 business so I look forward to meeting you out there in person!

Brigitte Millar

Hi Amanda, great to hear from you. I have messaged Taylor and Shelley...I'd love to write a blog...Once Taylor's got back to me filling me in on the details. I'd be delighted to get involved...Warmly Brigitte

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Brigitte Millar. Great to speak with you again. It's been a while. How are you?

Brigitte Millar

I'm good..and yourself?

Kristen Painter


Eyiara Olugunna

Hi Brigitte! Fellow London-based actor here :)

Maurice Vaughan

I'm doing fine, Brigitte Millar. Are you working on any new projects?

Brigitte Millar

I'm attached and waiting for them to get finance....:-)

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats, Brigitte Millar! Hope they get financed and I can see them one day.

Brigitte Millar

thank you, how ar eyou getting on?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Brigitte Millar. I'm doing fine. I'm finishing up a design job (pitch deck and series bible) and pitching scripts.

Brigitte Millar


Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Brigitte Millar. :)

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