Introduce Yourself : This is the year! by Katherine Blessan

This is the year!

Hi Stage 32 creatives, happy Introduce Yourself weekend, y'all! (I love you Deep South Americans for giving us 'y'all' by the way).. I've been around the block a while and have decided that I'd like this to be the year that I break in as a screenwriter and start the process of getting something made (big or small!). It might be a bit ambitious, but I've just had my second novel published so no that I'm not someone who gives up easily. Sometimes networking is easier than actually getting around to the business of writing. Always happy to connect with likeminded creatives and if anyone has any work that they're happy to collaborate on, I'm willing to give it a go (if it's a match with my interests and skills, of course!)

Safa Ahmed

Hey Katherine! Congratulations on publishing your second novel, it seems like a huge accomplishment, in my eyes especially. It’s glad to see you’re open to connect with other people, im commenting on your post to let you know that im also interested in collaborating if that’s okay! I’m starting off new as I’m still in secondary school (15, going into year 11 this September) and I will love to collaborate with someone who’s experienced to get advice on publishing/ screenwriting as I have little to no experience at all! I’m not sure how this app works yet haha but just wanted to reach out! - saf !

Amanda Toney

Hi Katherine, congrats on your second novel, that's a huge accomplishment! What types of genres do you like to work in? Let the community know :)

Katherine Blessan

Good point, Amanda! I write drama (historical and contemporary) and have also dabbled in sci-fi (of the dystopian type).

David P Perlmutter

Hello fellow author Katherine Blessan and congratulations on the new release!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on publishing your second novel, Katherine Blessan! "This is the year!" Rooting for you!

Maurice Vaughan

And I like using "y'all." :)

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