Introduce Yourself : Aspiring Film Maker - Currently a self taught screen writer by Kevin Lobo

Aspiring Film Maker - Currently a self taught screen writer

From a writer of self published Fiction and Non-Fiction, COVID gave me a chance to learn screenwriting (library books)! When a NICHOLL judge gave my first screen Scifi hero a 'FRANCHISE WORTHY CHARACTER', I knew I belonged here. Looking to create my own Indian Super Hero Universe. Would love to collaborate with anyone.

My based in Toronto novel, GOLGOTHA, is ready as a screen play too - anyone in Canada/Hollywood looking for an action pack thriller script?

Amanda Toney

Great to have you here Kevin Lobo! Love that you have an Indian super hero universe. What are some of your favorite franchise movies that inspire you?

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Kevin Lobo. I'm also a self-taught screenwriter. Check out the Screenwriting lounge: People post screenwriting articles, blogs, and videos there. You can comment on people's posts, make posts, ask questions, get feedback, ask for advice, etc.

Kevin Lobo

MCU - my model to build my own universe on! Dreaming really big - just need that first break.

Kevin Lobo

Thank you, Maurice. I will definitely bookmark the lounge as a great reference and learning platform.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kevin Lobo.

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