Hey, Fellow Scribes!
This episode is a special one for us... During COVID lockdown we all remember that production just stopped! Well, I wanted to still create narrative content and podcasting seemed like a great outlet for this... So I did a test episode where I hired voice-over talent via Voice123 and had remote recording sessions. It took about 3 weeks from start to finish and that final product is what this episode is. It's still pretty raw, but it was the base idea for what is now First Read Radio.
Hope you guys enjoy it.
Congrats. I enjoyed the Sound Design of the episode. I also Compose music and create the Sound Design for podcasts as well. It would like to offer my services if needed for your future episodes. This is an example of one of my works for the series 'Knight Trilogy'. Enjoy: https://lancastltd.com/a-story-a-podcast-and-gunshots/