Screenwriting : Pitch corrupted???? by Mark Kitchen

Mark Kitchen

Pitch corrupted????

Hi all, looking for some advice/feedback on an issue related to a Pitch Session.

I pitched one of my recent screenplays to a Manager via Stage 32 back at the start of May. The feedback seemed to take an eternity, and was paused at the Awaiting Delivery phase of the pitching process for several weeks.

I checked the status today and to my utter disbelief there is a note stating that I've missed the pitch session, as they are claiming the .pdf pitch document I uploaded was corrupted.

I have two issues with this. Firstly, and most importantly, the file is definitely not corrupted. I re-opened it without issue, so any corruption has happened elsewhere.

Secondly, Stage 32 seems to be hanging onto the $35 I paid for the pitch session!! No refund, no offer of credit for another pitch, nothing. Even if the file was corrupted, which it wasn't, I never received the pitch session I paid for. At the very least I should receive credit for another pitch.

Has anyone else experienced this issue before and if so, how did you address it?

I don't want to cry foul but I am suspicious when I pay for a service and don't get it, and the only excuse is a claim that my file was corrupted.

Gary Keyes

Sorry for what happened, Mark. Stage 32 is a great site, strange you have an issue like that. I'm assuming you tried to contact someone at the board that can help refund your money? Let me know what happened...I'm curious.

Paul Knauer

I've pitched many a time with no problem. I've also had good luck reaching out to Stage32 staff with questions, etc. Always responsive. I'd reach out by email and state your issue directly to them. No doubt they'll get it straightened out to your satisfaction. Just give them the chance.

Jason Mirch

Hey Mark Kitchen! Thanks for posting. I am so glad you brought this to our attention. Of course, I want to make sure that you are able to receive the feedback for your pitch. I took the liberty of pulling up your order page, and unfortunately the PDF document did not load for me either. So there is some issue with the document. A notification email is set out when a pitch document in corrupted but many times those notifications go to spam or to promotions tabs.

But rest assured we can take care of this for you. Please email me a PDF of the pitch document to and I will get the pitch document directly to the manager for feedback. I certainly want you to succeed and am happy to help you! I will look for your email.

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