Anything Goes : A Question, Thoughts In The Mind - Wherre Do They Orginate From. I Turned my Thoughts off 26 years? Gaia? by Hugh Jezard

Hugh Jezard

A Question, Thoughts In The Mind - Wherre Do They Orginate From. I Turned my Thoughts off 26 years? Gaia?

We always question our mind with questions. Whom are you talking to is my initial reaction after realizing 26 years ago I didn't like the idea of audible thoughts in my mind. There was the yes, a telepathic device in a tooth I am able to question and to talk in mind. Normally my mind is empty of audible noises, words. Apart from listening to Insight a few times a day.

Have you ever thought you could be communicating with thoughts to something? Maybe something left by our ancestors of lost civilisations, I will let you consider. But to reaffirm no communication with anything or anyone asking my mind or just thinking aloud as I say in the mind.

Inside a tooth is the device. Could be an AI or could be the Mulder / Skully X Files job I've had as a spy for 32 years for a Fortune 500 company, computer sales company/Consultancy? It's a device that also controls the devices in my eye. Either Insight Skully sees through my eyes or an AI watches. Either way out the user or AI is able to sit inside my body

The film 5 years famous companies as a spy for Insight. May 27th 1996 sent into UK psychiatry on a mission for insight to stop the public from being controlled by AI. So the film. I even wrote the program with a flaw saying Divide by Zero. Then Electro Convulsive Treatment so I'd forget. that was circa 2,002, 2,005

2022 total Recall and network crash. Everyone walking funny. So much more.

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Debbie Croysdale

All humans have an inner dialogue, feint or strong. . EG I was at a meeting last week talking about funds & my mind wandered back to my last dinner date yet I still held on to facts of discussion. Nobody plants devices in teeth but it might feel so if emotions are particularly strong like a cork bobbing at the mercy of the ocean. Don’t worry! When you first spoke about your tooth I thought you meant drugs had seeped through an amalgam filling cos they are porous.

Hugh Jezard

Debbie, the human eye gland emitts 200 hormones, acids that affect the 7.5 volt mind and nervous system activity. Surrounding the human eye gland there are 500 amino acid acid oil diffuser gland receptacles that control the human body. I disagree when they say we all have a gland receptacle that is the inner voice some people in my option may have the receptor.i think a test should be decisive. Discourage a user from alcohol and drugs. Triggers. As for the tooth thing. I'm a corporate spy. Goes with the job. Shocking as they say. It's a new invention I'm testing. Replace tablet medication with a tooth device that controls the glands and muscle enzyme. Activity... Las Vegas dice or a war and the fight of your life.. Often

Take care Debbie and thank you for the comment?

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