Screenwriting : Overcoming Writer's Block by Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Overcoming Writer's Block

Personally, I don't suffer Writer's Block. Though I don't always function at a constant level of inspiration, I can always sit down and produce pages. But for those who can't, I'm sure it's vexing.

Here is an article on dealing with this issue.

Have a great holiday weekend.

Terrence Sellers

I don't deal with writer's block, but I believe it is because I make sure to create a detailed outline before writing FADE IN.

Ewan Dunbar

Creative blocks do occur for a lot of reasons. Sometimes it is good to just stop looking at the problem for a few days or a week, focus the mind on other things and then come back to it once you have taken some time and given yourself a break, so you can look at the creative problem with a fresh perspective.

Dan MaxXx

Hardy, many writer-peers in my circle use drugs, legal or illegal. They work fine under the influence and collect paychecks.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Dan M: Damn right they do! Got to have money to pay for drugs.

Russell Palmer

I feel like "writer's block" is just not being In flow... what I mean by that is, your brain is elsewhere i.e. thinking about X, or rushed for time. Sometimes is solved by new experiences but keeping track of progress is one.

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