Animation : Collaboration for making an animation by Leotien Parlevliet

Leotien Parlevliet

Collaboration for making an animation

As my animation will be made in my hometown,, Groningen, the filmmaker Stefan Vellinga and I are seeking for people who like to work with us on this animation, like artist, actors for voices, sound designer, music composers. It´s about; A team of ocean-saving scientists get involved in the world-wide revolt of marine animals until the team put themselves in danger through their row about a monstrous shark and they struggle to find a way out. If you like to work with us on this project, you can send me a direct message or email me ;

Mark Thomas Taylor

Very interested! Just emailed you

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds like a great storyline, Leotien Parlevliet. Have you posted this in the job section?

Leotien Parlevliet

Hey Maurice, No, I haven´t posted it in the job post yet and thanks for that link. How are you? Have you pitched to Nick Waters yet? Besides, I can send you some useful information of screenwriting like facial descriptions, how to write good log lines and some more stuff if you like.

Leotien Parlevliet

Hey, , Mark, I just saw your message. I´ĺl have a look at your email.

Shellie Schmals

I love seeing all this networking in real-time!! Leotien Parlevliet - you can also browse the member section, and do a keyword search for the disciplines you are looking to network with. I find direct messaging people is really effective!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Leotien Parlevliet. I'm doing fine. I'm finishing up some projects and about to start new ones. I haven't pitched to Nick Waters yet. I might soon. You're welcome to email that information. Thanks a lot! :)

Leotien Parlevliet

Thanks, for that link, Shellie Schmalls, I´ll try.

Leotien Parlevliet

I just had a look at the link, Shellie, but we´re looking in particular for the discipline artists who are good at drawing and voice actors.

Robert Graphik

Hello, Leotien sent you an email but if you join the discord we can speak there about your project. Happy to help if I can. Either way all the best :)

Leotien Parlevliet

Hey Robert Graphik, thanks. I just emailed you .

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