Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, everyone! Very nice to e-meet all of you. I'm Kristin, and I'm a designer who is currently working as a mech artist for Paramount Pictures (Domestic & International, advertising/promotions.) But for the past 12 years I've also been working in a freelance capacity for indie filmmakers! From one-sheets to title art, posters, series bibles, art for social media....even working as a set photographer a few times (then using the pics for pitch decks and social media.) So if any of you need something designed for your project, please let me know!
My online portfolio: https://kcamillej.myportfolio.com/
CHEERS and I hope you will have a FILM-TASTIC week!
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Hi, Kristin Jackson. I checked out your website. You're really skilled! How do you like working for Paramount Pictures?
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Great work!
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Thanks so much, Maurice Vaughan and Trina! It's definitely a good challenge for me, doing mech art for Paramount. There's just SO MUCH to do for movie releases, I really appreciate the work that is being done for each and every film that gets produced - all the art needs outside of the actual production, pre- and post. The sheer volume of outdoor art just for the Australian market for Top Gun was simply overwhelming, lol. I can imagine that next year's "Mission Impossible" is going to be just as crazy! But I'm working with a great team - half in London, the other half in LA....and here's me in Florida, the bridge between the very far apart time zones. :D
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You're welcome, Kristin Jackson. I can only imagine how much promo work and artwork is needed for a movie release. It sounds like you're having a great time!
I'm looking forward to "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning" (both parts). I know the set pieces are going to be amazing (like in every "Mission: Impossible" movie).
Speaking of "Top Gun: Maverick," I signed up for a Stage 32 webinar about it. It actually airs tomorrow. https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Write-and-Develop-a-Blockbuster-...