Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter and beyond by Mohamed Abderrahim Hadji

Mohamed Abderrahim Hadji

Screenwriter and beyond

Hi dear creative family, my name is Rahim, I'm 37 and I'm from Algeria. I'm a screenwriter. I write in English, Arabic and French. As long as I can remember I always wanted to make movies. I fell in love with movies when I was a kid. When I was young we used to have a VHS camcorder at home and I started making shorts with my family and friends, when I grew up I wanted to know more about film making, then I learned about screenplays, that was it ! Every movie start with a screenplay. I took some classes online, read a lot of books and read as much scripts I could (still doing it) and of course I wrote some stories and short screenplays to improve my writing. I had the chance to participate in some projects in my country (TV show, feature, commercials). I have many dreams but the biggest one is to have my own script make it on the big screen. I hope you'll all succeed in what you're doing. Keep chasing your dreams and catch them

Richard "RB" Botto

Good on you for following your dreams, Mohamed. You're going to fit in famously around these parts. Love your energy and collaborative spirit.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Mohamed Abderrahim Hadji. Welcome to the community. I remember VHS camcorders and movies. :) You should fill out your bio with things from your post (your experience, your goals, etc.). Having a full bio is going to really help you network on here.

Mohamed Abderrahim Hadji

Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it and more than that I really need it. Thanks again. May you all accomplish your goals and make your dreams come true.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mohamed Abderrahim Hadji.

I appreciate it. Hope you achieve your goals and dreams also.

Gerard Thoolen

I wish you all the best, Mohamed ! You will succeed!

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