Cinematography : Hiring crew members for feature film *first drop of rain* by Madison Goodyear-Brown

Madison Goodyear-Brown

Hiring crew members for feature film *first drop of rain*

Hello all! I am the director and producer of a period feature film about Frances Burney called First Drop of Rain (a true story about a groundbreaking female authoress in the 1750s) that will film next summer in London. However, the first teaser, which will be used to help market and bring investors onto the project, will be shot in Nashville.

I am looking for a DP to film the teaser, who can supply their own equipment. The position is unpaid but will supply a professional credit and a copy of their work. They will be needed for filming over two days (dates will be worked out once hired but will be within the next 2 months) and will be directly involved in the development of the shot list. If we work together well you will also have a leg up in consideration for the position of DP for the film. Please email if interested (see below), and include what equipment you have available for the project! :)

I am also looking to hire an

Assistant Producer ( will assistant remotely in many of the aspects of production, help with FDOR communications, and will be need on set for the duration of filming. You will work very closely with myself and with the rest of the core creative team)

And a Business Producer _preferably with accounting experience_ (will help manage expenses, accounting, contracts communication, and distribution after filming.)

All positions for the feature film are on deferred pay. If interested in applying please email:

We will be hiring for a storyboard artist and DP for the film later on so stay tuned!

I hope to work with some of you in the near future!

Shellie Schmals

Hi Madison - You've come to the right place!! Stage 32 has a free job board that you can search for any jobs in your profession. To find it, click “Jobs” on the top menu bar, and you can add a job posting. Here is the link:

You can also Browse members by locations >> & directly message members to apply too!

So excited for you!! Please keep me updated about your project!

Madison Goodyear-Brown

Thank you! :))

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