Screenwriting : Bad writing isn't limited to amateurs by Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Bad writing isn't limited to amateurs

I just ran across this article about 15 examples of bad writing in successful movies and shows. What say you?

Geoff Hall

Example Three - Game of Thrones Series 8. Well, everything else aside, some of the early clips sampling bad writing, well, can I say this here? The acting seemed particularly wooden. Is that bad direction or bad writing?

Sam Sokolow

I would say that bad writing is very much like good writing - it can come from anyone at anytime. The key is to keep writing and working on your craft.

Doug Nelson

I say that bad writing is far more prevalent than we like to admit.

Maurice Vaughan

I heard a big movie (maybe one of the Marvel movies) suffered because the script was rushed. One reason for bad writing in big movies (and any movie) is there's not enough time to fix issues in the script.

Mark Bowes

I've been rewatching the series LOST and find the storytelling clunky and have come to realize how much of a soap opera it is. The writing overall is pretty awful.

Doug Nelson

But don't be in a rush to admonish the writer. It takes an entire troop of participants to create a show - and only one monkey can screw it up.

Geoff Hall

Dan Guardino “If the movie isn't successful the screenwriter can blame the director.“ I shall remember that one, Dan!

Kiril Maksimoski

It usually comes down to getting If ure doing it for money, convince your hirer it's the best fu*%ing script he ever read...

Dan MaxXx

It's always easier to rip a movie after it's done, yet nobody has any answers in the moment, on-set, with cast & crew waiting. Very few filmmakers have $ and reputation to reshoot scenes, or reshoot the whole movie (Michael Mann did, Heat).

Howard Koor

Insightful article. RE: Game of Thrones-- I agree that the ending would have been satisfying if Daenerys Targaryen arc of character was organically played out instead of being fast-forwarded through time.

Teleah Moore

I took a film course awhile back and I was surprised to learn some great movies that got made from really bad scripts. The actors saved the movie!

Maurice Vaughan

I agree with that, Howard ("I agree that the ending would have been satisfying if Daenerys Targaryen arc of character was organically played out instead of being fast-forwarded through time"). I also heard people say that Arya Stark shouldn't have been the one who killed the Night King. They said it should've been Jon Snow or Theon instead of Arya.

Maurice Vaughan

Some actors do save movies, Teleah. I imagine you can give top actors like Denzel Washington bad scripts and they will turn out good or great.

Howard Koor

Maurice Vaughan RE: Game of Thrones. Yes, the last season of GOT will probably be 2nd guessed forever--or longer! When a story is so compelling for so long, the fans feel like they are "owed" an ending that hits a home run. Not easy to so as we know. Thank you

Martin Reese

GAME OF THRONES ending will be forever be debated. A lot of it (from my reading) was that the showrunners rushed the ending, even though HBO was going to pay for more episodes, because they thought they were going to be doing a STAR WARS movie. Loved the show overall. Hated how it ended. They took the easy way out and it seemed a bit lazy. That's how I see it, though I wish I could do a show that lasts nine years that folks could criticize forever. LOL!

Mark Giacomin

I'm truly shocked to see 'Face Off' was included in that article. I always attempt to iron out inconsistencies in plot or character's choices because it bugs me when I see it, I have a very low tolerance for it & will stop watching a film or TV series if there are too many strikes. While whatever I write may never see the light of day, I feel I have a responsibility to myself to aim for a standard.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Howard. I enjoyed the last season of GAME OF THRONES, but I did notice issues with the story.

Maurice Vaughan

"That's how I see it, though I wish I could do a show that lasts nine years that folks could criticize forever." Me too, Martin Reese. Haha That's a long time to be on TV. Despite the story issues and the last season, the show was a success.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm the same way, Mark. I CAN NOT overlook issues in a script. If I see an issue, it bugs me until I fix it.

Geoff Hall

Martin what amazes me about GOT and the bad last series, is that they had George Martin to fall back on, but I’m not sure whether they used his services and knowledge.

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