Post-Production : During edit-phase busy with film poster by Frank Van Der Meijden

Frank Van Der Meijden

During edit-phase busy with film poster

With some fellow creatives discussing about the film poster for my short Room Available. We are busy with editing, sound designing and color grading. Next week I'll get in the music studio to record the sound track. So it's time to think about exposure....

Sam Chambliss

That's exciting! You're getting close to the finish line, that's always a fun, and stressful, time. I am usually so anxious about releasing our projects. How are you feeling about it? Hopefully thrilled to be so close! Congratulations on the progress.

Frank Van Der Meijden

Thanks, Sam Chambliss I feel it is getting somewhere now. It feels good to bring music/sound, nice shots and the storyline together.

Johnny K. Wu

good luck!

Shellie Schmals

Frank Van Der Meijden - any updates from the music studio? Would love to hear about it!

Frank Van Der Meijden

Thanks for checking, Shellie Schmals. I'll post an update!

Frank Van Der Meijden

Sam Chambliss sorry for the late response: feel the same actually. It's like finishing a painting, I think every artist never dares to say: it's finished.......

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