Screenwriting : Introduce Yourself Weekend! (SEPT 16-19) by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Introduce Yourself Weekend! (SEPT 16-19)

This weekend's Introduce Yourself Weekend. Join in, meet new people, build relationships, say hello to old friends, and share what you're working on!

Leonor LeRu

Yes! Party Time Maurice!!! Ha!

Elisabeth Meier

Leonor LeRu LOL!

Maurice Vaughan You mean right here?

I think the link to the introducing lounge would help all new people :)

Leonor LeRu

Ha! ! Not sure why I must have been lost in space for a second! Ha!!! Knowing me, My party time is over!!! Ha!!!

Jesse Prevost

Best of luck to all!

Maurice Vaughan

Yes, that's the link, Elisabeth Meier. That's a great idea. I added the link to my new posts about Introduce Yourself Weekend. Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan

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