Introduce Yourself : Time to be friends! by Julio Torres

Julio Torres

Time to be friends!

Hi there, nice to meet you! My name's Julio Torres, I'm a screenwriter/copywriter/digital marketing specialist. My favorite genres are action, adventure and fantasy and I'm always up to meet and collaborate with other screenwriters. If you have any questions about screenwriting, hope I can help you out, or even about digital marketing (not so much related to this but that's how I make a living right now so...) Hope we can be friends and take care!

MD Riaz

md riaz

Maurice Vaughan

Action and Fantasy are two of my top genres to write. I write Adventure also, but since I mainly write micro-budget and low-budget scripts, I don't write many Adventures. Most of my scripts are genre mixes. Actually, I don't think I've ever written a single genre script.

Julio Torres

Nice to meet you MD Riaz! Hope we can connect :D Yeah Maurice, you're actually right, I think that nowdays its more common to make a mixture of genres rather than only using one. The one I havent written about is Horror haha

GiGi Raines

Nice to meet you Julio!! Those genres are the best to really let creativitity take over. Very cool! Tyler Winther is one of our execs who recently joined and specializes in VFX for indie filmmakers as well as major productions. He may be helpful for both you and Maurice to connect with! Good luck with your projects, feel free to reach out anytime. Cheers,

Derek C. Block

Hi, Julio. Nice to meet you, “virtually.” I also enjoy fantasy, though I also lean heavily into period pieces and Westerns. I’m working on a Western and a Drama now, but may be interested in collaborations in the near future. Wish you the best of luck in your projects!

Maurice Vaughan

Horror is one of my top genres to write, Julio Torres, but I think Thriller is my top/my favorite.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, GiGi Raines. I'll check Tyler Winther out.

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