Screenwriting : Halloween by Sille Larsen

Sille Larsen


Can you guys believe we are already in October?

How is your horror Halloween writing going?

I must admit I am not a horror-movie writer, so I really wanna know how you write it! - and can anyone recommend a Halloween movie I should watch?

Rosemond Perdue

Hello Sille! Yes, how did we finally find ourselves in October? I'm not a big horror person either but I have somehow found myself a fan of Korean Zombie movies. Is there any horror that you watch?

Niki H

OCTOBER! No idea how we got here. I like horror, but I also find myself charmed by the other Halloween movies for young adults like Halloweentown and Hocus Pocus. (They just release Hocus Pocus 2!) I too would love to hear people's processes about Horror scripts. You can also take a look at our webinars about Horror structure and nailing the ending of a horror film. I'll include those below! I recommend the staple A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Ayman Jaber

Hi Sille! If you’re looking for old school horror, my personal favorites are Poltergeist(1982) and A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984), more recent ones would be The Babadook(2014) and Lights Out(2016). Hope you find something to inspire you!

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