Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone by Ca Melo

Ca Melo

Hello everyone

My name is Cornelius and I'm a screenwriter in Florida. I originally joined staged 32 in 2021 and I really enjoy the platform. I like to write comedies but I have also written drama, horror and a thriller. My writings are broad because that is the world that we live in. I don't shy away from tough subjects because they also have a voice and deserve to be heard...just like us. My goal is to see "Mamaz Baby" on the big screen one day. And I will. Happy writing to you all. Shalom

Shellie Schmals

Hi Ca Melo - it's cool to hear you have such varied interests in your writing. Do you have any links to your works?

Ca Melo

Hi, Shellie. Yes, you can view my works on my platform or I can send you any one of them on pdf if you'd like.

Maurice Vaughan

Ca Melo "Mamaz Baby" sounds like it's going to be fun!

Ca Melo

It most certainly is. I was told by one reader that my protagonist in the story is "LARGER THAN LIFE" and that she really shines on the pages. Another director liked many of the scenes and another said that there is lots of comedy in the story. I really feel good about Mamaz Baby. Even my sister weighed in and said," Why isn't this on the big screen?" So I'm just looking for the right person for this project and I am completely confident in its ability to draw large crowds at the box office.

Ca Melo

Hi. I just found my link so that you all can view some of my writings.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great feedback, Ca Melo. And I agree with your sister 100%. Have you pitched the script on Stage 32? Pitch Sessions:

Ca Melo

No. I haven't gotten that far Vaughan. I thought about it.

Ca Melo

Hey, Maurice. I really appreciate your feedback and your positive energy. You are one of the professionals that make being here great.

Maurice Vaughan

I've taken a few Pitch Sessions, Ca Melo. They've really helped my pitches. Sometimes after a Pitch Session, the executive, producer, etc. will ask to read the script. Could be an opportunity for "Mamaz Baby."

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ca Melo. I appreciate that, and I'm glad you're having a great time on here. You bring a lot of positivity to Stage 32.

Ca Melo

Thank you

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ca Melo.

Molly Peck

Hi Cornelius, thanks for sharing this! Our pitch sessions can be really helpful for getting your script to the next level - let me know if you have any questions about Stage 32 script services.

Ca Melo

Thanks Molly. I sure will.

Leonor LeRu

Hi Cornelius! nice to know you talent. This is the place where your screenplays will be seen. Comedies for TV Series or Movie Series are big...Drama, horror, thriller are great genre combinations. Wish you all the best!

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