I know this isn't a ton of progress but I finished the first draft of my script and even already edited it, so then I guess it's technically a second draft! No idea where to go from here but I'm happy to take it one step at a time. No title or logline yet, but a ton of story ideas and a dream. Anyone want to exchange scripts for feedback?
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Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations!!!!
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A little advice I use: sit on your script for a few weeks, without it circulating in your mind, and then revisit it. There may be some things you overlooked or hadn't considered... grammar mistakes, continuity issues, leaning into a trope, extraneous dialogue that can be tightened up, etc. There's always something.
Congratulations on finishing your first/second draft, Olivia Drake! :)
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Congratulations and I agree with BA. It is amazing what comes to you after you are done, or so you thought!
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Congratulations on your progress. That sounds good to take it one step at a time.
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Yay! You have accomplished so much. Keep elevating the story—add more layers to your characters and obstacles that they have to overcome.
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Would you like to exchange scripts with me? I have two (if not a lot), both in hopefully their last drafts!
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Olivia Drake - Congratulations on your first/second draft!! How exciting!!
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Congratulations, on finishing your first draft, Olivia! What genre and medium (feature or pilot) is the script?
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Olivia, way to go!
I'm rooting for you...and wishing you all the VERY BEST!
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That's awesome, congratulations on your first/second draft! You could always submit it for a logline polish, or for industry coverage to get a real break down of the strengths and weakness. Feel free to reach out any time always happy to help point your in the right direction for your next steps!