Introduce Yourself : Tony Mitchell - Producer - Screenwriter - Director by Tony Mitchell

Tony Mitchell

Tony Mitchell - Producer - Screenwriter - Director

I own the Houston Film Academy, I'm interested in connecting with Financial Resources to produce Independent Movies, Shorts, Sitcoms and Reality Shows in Houston, Texas.

Ca Melo

Hi, Mr. Mitchell. Congrats on the Houston Film Academy. Good things are ahead.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Tony - it’s great to meet with you here at Stage 32. I’m the Director of Education at Stage 32 and a film and television producer - I’m currently an executive producer of the Nat Geo/Disney+ series GENIUS MLK/X. I’m a big fan of Houston. I was a production assistant on a mini-series that shot there at the very beginning of my career. Great people down there. If I can ever be of any help on your Stage 32 education journey please email me directly at

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Tony Mitchell.

Richard "RB" Botto

Good to see you, Tony. I'm great friends with the head of the Houston Film Commission, Alfred Cervantes. Terrific guy.

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