I have a book for young children, which could very easily become a classic.
I am looking to have someone's opinion about this book/short movie for Christmas. Please send me an e-mail to: joanenering2@yahoo.com. Also, I can be reached at 570 894-4320.
I have a good deal of acting experience, and could. do some of the voices, if someone feels this would be a cute cartoon. Or, I could do one of the roles, if we use real people, rather than animation.
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Hey Joan, this is Shellie from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Introduce Yourself to Screenwriting, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!
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Hi, Joan Enering. Great to meet you. Are you looking for a writer to turn your book into a script? Or do you have a script already?
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I did have a script. I have been trying to get this book published for the past 49 years. I am on Social Security, and don't have much money. Would you be willing to do a 50-50 with me?
Hi, Joan Enering. I'm a little confused. Are you trying to pitch your script (to get it made) or get your book published?
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I can try to give my input. My email is lmk1025@sbcglobal.net
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Thank you so much, Dan. Would you be interested in looking at my book? I would love your input. Joan. joanenering2@yahoo.com
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Hi Joan, it will be helpful for you to receive feedback from one of our executives who work on book adaptions. https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage/buy?id=66 Let me know if you'd like help deciding on an executive to work with.
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hi Joan I read it and sent you an email, Good job! if you like I will see if the animation writers' group on discord is still available they are busy but nice and will help you if they can. Send me an email and I will look into getting an invite for you. all the best, keep writing:)
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Hi, Robert. So nice to hear from you. I have had a busy year. My personal e-mail is: joanenering2@yahoo.com. my phone number is 570 894-4320
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Thank you so much!!! Have a great day.