Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself to the community by Anders Petterøe

Anders Petterøe

Introducing myself to the community

Hey all who may or may not read this post. :)

I'm Andy, a filmmaker from Norway who is eagerly awaiting the release of the first American feature film I directed.

Actually, I really don't like sounding like it's "my" movie, since all the real work was done by an amazing cast and crew.

I have been working in the industry for 10 years, and I have never felt less useful than when really talented people managed the entire production during shooting and post-production.

I just found out about this site today, so I'm excited to see how this all works and to learn from other people in the industry as we all go about taking our projects from idea to final release.

MB Stevens
Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Anders Petterøe. Congratulations on directing your first American feature film! Congratulations to the cast and crew on the film!

Here's a great blog by Sille Larsen about navigating Stage 32: "Navigating Stage 32 For Your Best Experience"

William Schumpert

Welcome. A lot of good help and feedback on Stage32.

Anders Petterøe

Thanks guys! :) Looking forward to spending more time here, and to read that article, Maurice Vaughan . :)

Ayman Jaber

Welcome to the community & congrats on your upcoming project!

Anders Petterøe

Thank you, Ayman Jaber . :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Anders Petterøe.

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