Screenwriting : Writing in difficult times by Julio Torres

Julio Torres

Writing in difficult times

I must say, these past days have been very hard to sit down and write. Besides the daily challenge of my full time job and provide for my family, something happened with my dad. It got resolved pretty quickly so that's a relief, but it kept me from being able to concentrate. May I ask you, friends and screenwriters experts, how do you write when times are hard? Thanks in advance! :)

Robert Russo

Take care of yourself and your loved ones first my friend. The writing will be there once you have the time and emotional space available. But family first.

Maria Restivo Glassner

Don't worry about meeting daily deadlines or self requirements. Focus on goals in like 3 month increments so you don't get frustrated when life gets in the way and you can be more present for the emotional things life brings you. Having a dream board of what you would like to accomplish to keep your mind focused on your goals is important. So even if you aren't physically typing, your mind is still working on your goals. Make a list of tiny goals that are accessible in small doses. Like spending 5 minutes reading an article from the industry to keep your mind in it when you can.

Stefano Pavone

I try not to think too much about anything, and I use what I'm going through as motivation.

Erik Meyers

So sorry to hear about your dad, glad things worked out for him! I find that even when everything around me is terrible, writing helps me get away and distract me. I dive into the characters as if I'm reading a book...doesn't always work, but it can help. All the best!

Maurice Vaughan

Everyone's given some great advice, Julio Torres. Sometimes writing helps ease hard times so it's easy for me to write during those times. Sometimes I just have to make myself write.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

At the very least, setting aside time to write your screenplays should provide one respite from the often unpleasant realities of life. I've always found time to write during some lean financial periods. If that meant sacrificing some other leisure activity, I did it.

B A Mason

I'm 100% in agreement - it can be truly tough to stick to writing congruently when you have life tugging you left and right, distracting you at every moment. I've found that it helps to outline heavily beforehand so that you can use it like a memory blueprint to return to where your state of mind was originally, despite the ups and downs.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the tip, B A.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Our passion guides us through struggles of many kinds, and sometimes a scribbled page of sketches or vague new ideas is easier to access than a disciplined rewrite or fresh scene, there are small creative gestures always available when we need it, Julio Torres best wishes for you and your family, thinking of you!

Leonor LeRu

I am nor an expert but I could share something with you and with the group, I know it would be impossible to do anything if our thoughts are preoccupied! I have been in the same situation! Perfect timing will happen sooner or later! My inspirations is what keeps me going most especially during the most difficult times. Wish you all the best Julio.

Niki H

B A, I think that's a great tip, thanks! Julio, I also find that writing anything also helps. If you have a specific project you're working on but you just can't focus, write something else. Take what's distracting you and write about it. Can you take a character in your project and write them a memory fueled by your circumstances? Can you write a short scene that relates to what you're going through? Can you outline a different idea that's triggered by what's happening? Can you spend 10-30 minutes just stream-of-consciousness writing to get things out? That can help focus you and keep the writing muscle moving.

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