On Writing : #hashtags by Paul David Brazill


Do they really work or are they only for TikTokkers? #AuthorsOfTwitter #Noirvember #PaulDBrazill #Stage 32

Morgan Aitken

I don't think hashtags work here... last I heard, the s32 platform is facebook based but with a lot of modifications and filters thrown in.

Geoff Hall

Paul David Brazill what Morgan said, Paul…just post your stuff in the right Lounges and you won’t have the likes of me moving it to the appropriate one!! Hehe.

Julia Warren

I use hashtags on social media a lot to promote new titles for the publisher I work with; they are a type of search tool (or accessory???) and yes, I think they can be helpful - if the right people happen to be searching for that/those particular hashtags. They are handy and very much in use on Insta and Twitter (#readingcommunity, #writingcommunity, #bookstagram etc). In the end, it's worth using if you have room left for more characters. I feel it's a bit like the lottery - you can't win if you don't play.

I like your hashtag, by the way!

Paul David Brazill

Thanks all! I feel like such an old fogey when I try to keep up with the trends! https://youtu.be/EO_6qmBHLbo

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