Animation : Animation by Komal Bhadana

Komal Bhadana


New Sketch 

Maurice Vaughan

I really like your sketches, Komal Bhadana. Are they for a script?

Komal Bhadana

Thank you Maurice for liking my sketches, but sorry to say they are not for a script.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. I think your sketches could be a movie script or TV script. Maybe a Drama, Comedy, Mystery, Drama/Comedy, or Adventure.

Komal Bhadana

I know that my sketches could be a better movie script, thanks a lot and trust me very soon you see the results. I'll defenietly write a worthy script.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Komal Bhadana. Ok, great. Please keep us updated on your script. Your sketches too.

Komal Bhadana

Yes,I will.

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