Screenwriting : Kaleidoscope Series on Netflix by Trey Alessio

Trey Alessio

Kaleidoscope Series on Netflix I'm pretty sure this was discussed on Stage32 awhile back. To my understanding, the episodes can be watched in any order and alter the viewpoint for the audience. It sounds super trippy, but I'm intrigued. Do you think this will work? If successful and more shows like this pop up, how do you think it will affect the way we write?

Stephanie Munch

This concept is so new and different it will arouse curiosity for sure but will it work? I guess it all depends on the quality of the show itself. But I guess Netflix made it to draw attention, that's a smart move. I will watch !

Trey Alessio

Same! I'll definitely give it a try when it comes out. It should be interesting to see how it plays out. If I recall correctly, somebody on Stage32 was hinting about something like this coming down the pipeline awhile back. I thought it was interesting to finally see the trailer and see what they were talking about come to fruition.

Dan MaxXx

I will watch just because G Esposito is the star. He is finally getting flowers at his occupation.

As for the gimmicky episode format, my guts tell me the show wont be renewed.

Trey Alessio

Dan MaxXx I'll be watching for Giancarlo Esposito too. The episode format intrigues me, but I feel you. We'll see how it plays out.

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