On Writing : Writer wanted for new graphic novel by Cee Whirx

Cee Whirx

Writer wanted for new graphic novel

Hey there, authors and playwrights, my name is Cee. I am working on a brand new holiday-themed graphic novel based on my "Ryder & The Deer Guardians" idea, but I do need help writing dialogue according to the story.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Cee Whirx - I love how collaborative you are!! I suggest reaching out to Josiah Bhola Hillaire, he's been looking to do this kind of work ... https://www.stage32.com/profile/703417/about

William Schumpert

Hi Cee Whirx. Been a while since we talked. How long until you need it done? Wrapping up production for the year.

Cee Whirx

William Schumpert I'm currently working on the 1st page.

Abraham Steven

Wow, this is awesome, I can help you out in writing each character's backstory and the dialogues. If you're interested, I have sent you an invitation. Let's chat, hope to hear from you soon. Thanks

Morgan Aitken

I've been trying to figure out how a graphic novel is different from a comic book, or a storyboard, for that matter.

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Hi Cee Whirx I hope I can be of help to you. And thanks Shellie Schmals for this.

Josiah Bhola Hillaire

Cee Whirx what is your story about?

William Schumpert

Morgan Aitken a graphic novel is a comic book. The first graphic novel ‘Watchmen’ was originally sold as 9 or 10 issues. But since it all told one story then they released it in one book. Thus coining graphic novel. Most that have come out usually follow a film noir story telling element.

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