Introduce Yourself : My Name is Aaron Allen... by Aaron Allen

Aaron Allen

My Name is Aaron Allen...

I am a Christian filmmaker and owner/founder of Extreme Christian Entertainment, an Award winning producer of the feature film LETTERS TO DANIEL, writer/director/producer of Award Winning short film RED LETTERS. Based in Southwest Ohio area and making movies. Currently working on FALLEN VICTIM, a faith based PSA film about date rape and later in 2023 we are producing THE WAITING ROOM. Always looking for people to work with locally and surrounding cities, states etc. Let's make a movie!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Aaron Allen. Great to see you again. We worked together on KIDNAPPED RUNAWAY years ago. How are you doing?

Aaron Allen

I'm good, the last time we talked the producer I was working with was taking over basically, but things didn't happen well and we got the script back. And still planning to eventually film it, and got some great people interested in working with us. I been trying to get back in contact with you for awhile, it's great to find you here. Are you back on Facebook or anything?

Aaron Allen

Maurice, also got some other movies we made...

Maurice Vaughan

Hopefully you'll be able to find producers and resources for KIDNAPPED RUNAWAY and your other projects on here, Aaron Allen. There are soooo many industry people and resources on here. I suggest visiting the Lounges ( and the Browse Section (

I personally think the best feature on Stage 32 is the Writers' Room ( There are so many extra resources in the Writers' Room, such as the Writers' Room VIP Lounge, free webinars, the Open Writing Assignments, the Coverage Reports, the Writers' Cafes, and the Pitch Practices.

I'm not on Facebook. I mainly use Stage 32. I deleted Facebook and switched emails, so that's why you couldn't find me.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Aaron Allen ("also got some other movies we made")! Are they available to watch?

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan what is Kidnapped Runaway?

And Aaron Allen good to see you on Stage32. Congratulations on your success.

Maurice Vaughan

Geoff Hall KIDNAPPED RUNAWAY is Aaron Allen's idea/project. We worked together on the script years ago.

Katherine Blessan

Are you open to TV ideas too or just features?

Aaron Allen

Maurice Vaughan, I get around on here some of the time. FOSTER HOME and RED LETTERS are available on YouTube and Roku TV channel Creative Motion Network FREE. I was executive producer on a movie called LETTERS TO DANIEL.. it's on Amazon Prime, and DVD release in a few months.

Aaron Allen

Geoff Hall, KIDNAPPED RUNAWAY, is a movie I made a short film of years ago but wasn't releasable, so Maurice helped me rewrite it into a feature film version and I have trying to get to it to produce and looks like I will get the chance soon.

Geoff Hall

Aaron Allen “Let’s make a movie!!!” May I be curious? Thanks. What is a Christian Filmmaker? How does it differ from being ‘just’ a filmmaker? Hope that’s okay to ask.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Aaron Allen. I'll look up FOSTER HOME and RED LETTERS on YouTube. I don't have Amazon Prime right now, but if I get it, I'll check out LETTERS TO DANIEL.

Aaron Allen

Geoff Hall, I am a Christian and a Filmmaker, but I produce Christian faith based movies that cover issues, topics, situations, scenarios and storylines considered extreme and controversial. These are not the traditional Christian movies, we cover some hard issues that need to be covered. We cross genres like horror and more, just not porn.

Geoff Hall

Thank for your reply Aaron Allen so Christian Filmmaker is about the person making the film and not a style of film.

Which filmmakers inspire you, that fire your imagination and creativity?

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