Screenwriting : Continue to dream or carpe diem! Hmm, let me think about it. by Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Continue to dream or carpe diem! Hmm, let me think about it.

Yesterday, I was blessed to be invited to submit two festival-winning screenplays and attend a funding seminar hosted by producer Steve Longi (Hacksaw Ridge) and Film Finance CEO Richard Hone. It's always gratifying to hear someone on Steve's level share advice and learn that you've already embraced it. He first said, don't wait for an agent to pitch your work. And that agents seldom sign newer, unestablished screenwriters. Afterward, I told Steve I've used his approach with increasing success, and he replied, You gotta take control. It's the better way to go in every aspect of your life.

Have you taken control of your career yet?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the invitation, Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"!

Steve Longi gave some great advice. I second it. I used to have a manager, and I could get a manger or agent, but I'm fine with finding my own projects and jobs.

Maurice Vaughan

What's a unicorn savior, Dan MaxXx?

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Dan M: Many so-called mavens dislike and consider me an upstart because I help people for free. And I couldn't care less. I constantly review resumes from well-known script gurus that couldn't write their way out of a paper bag cluttering impressionable writer's minds with horsepucky. Que l'acheteur se méfie or as we say in Texas, watch your ass!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Maurice:Glad to hear things are going well for you and know your work ethic will pay off in 2023.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal". I appreciate it. Same to you, my friend!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Richard Thrift.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great message (and mic drop), Phillip!

Tasha Lewis


Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Tasha: Thanks, and it's a constant hustle. Are you currently soliciting any scripts? What is your favorite genre?

David Draper

Great advice, Phillip! Agreed. I've used it in a few cases and it led to a friendship with a Director/Editor. And congrats on your seminar invite!

Stephanie Munch

In control, and happy ! Congrats on your invite, must have been a great meeting :)

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Stephanie: Richard Hone & Steve Longi we're both excellent, down to earth speakers. They patiently answered everyone's questions.

Craig D Griffiths

To be “fact boy” for a minute. The WGA did a survey and they found that 70% of work is generated by writers themselves and not agents.

I am self confident and first to admit I am more than a little bit arrogant. I don’t trust others with my future.

Thanks Uncle.

Tasha Lewis

First of all which would you prefer Phil or Uncle Phil? Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule. Your profile page is outstanding. I hope to have even a small and humble amount of credits one day. My favorite genre Romance, Comedy and Drama. I tried to narrow it down to one but I like those three combined into one. If you have time, would value your input on my projects on my project page and discussed on my Stage 32 Wall.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Craig: Nobody works harder for you than you. As far as me, I trust myself 99 percent.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"


1) Haha! I'm good with either.

2) My pleasure to accumulate a larger circle of writing friends.

3) You're working in one of my favorite genres. I love writing comedy and rom-com. Always my favorite to write and flows out of me.

4) I'll take a look at your page. And feel free to hit up if you need help with anything.

Debbie Croysdale

Re@Uncle Phil’s thread topic. Cool that artists can literally “seize the day” with a polymath mindset establishing I.P outside the studio system and then attracting execs/producers to them OR Utilise evolving web tech & platforms, some free to use, longer needing permission from gate keepers to accept their stories. There are ways to lessen risks of failure such as building a prior world wide audience awareness/fan base, audio podcast, Visual Promo, What Pad, Etc. Not saying it’s “Easy” but certainly an alternate viable proven route for some. Goal posts will continue to dissolve along with the growth of the story universe and languishing in the game of Hollywood is no option.

Jed Power

Thanks, for GREAT post, Uncle Phil!

Jed Power

I'm glad to hear that I haven't insulted you calling you Uncle Phil. Bute with the quotes, I assumed that's what you wanted.And thanks for interesting posts and comments, uncle Phil.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Jed: You're welcome. No, I love the Uncle Phil nickname.

Kiril Maksimoski

Keep 'em expectations low and fee requests real...worked for me...

GiGi Raines

Couldn't be more spot on! You will always be the best advocate for your work no matter where you are in your career.

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