Introduce Yourself : 12 Years procrastinating. by Ed Silva

Ed Silva

12 Years procrastinating.

I have been writing novels since 2010. I won an award for best mystery of the summer in 2016. I won an award in 2022 for best romance. Some of my books have been translated into other languages. I also write feature scripts.

Feature scripts... Something I should have focused more time doing. Well I've managed to get two down my belt. One is a romance and the other is a Thriller. I've had them table read. Now I am looking for the next step. Agent, Rep, Actor attach. Let's see what 2023 brings!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Ed Silva. Congratulations on the awards! :D

I suggest adding your loglines, synopses, and scripts to the Logline Section of your profile. Members can give feedback on them, and producers, directors, etc. search for projects on Stage 32, so posting your projects on your profile is a great way to get attention on them.

You can also pitch your scripts to executives, managers, producers, etc. through Stage 32's Pitch Sessions:

You can find actors by posting an ad in the Job Section ( and searching the Browse Section (

Ed Silva

This information was really helpful. Thank you for sending it to me.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Ed Silva - congratulations on your successes! Welcome to Stage 32!

Florencia Lowry

Hi Ed, welcome and congratulations for your work!

Ed Kelly

Welcome, Ed. I’m also an author trying my hand at screenwriting. May 2023 be our year!

Ed Silva
Wendy Weising

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.

Dathane Turner

Good luck, I too am close to looking for an agent. Indeed 2024, let’s see.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ed Silva. And here's a great blog about navigating Stage 32:

GiGi Raines

Hi Ed! Welcome and congratulations on your success so far. Feel free to write me at happy to help!

Jed Power

Hi, Ed. Good to meet you.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Ed - great to meet you here. I recommend you check out this upcoming lab that guides you through building your best portfolio to pitch yourself to managers and reps - Robin is a terrific manager and resource and you may find this helpful:

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