One of the most important elements to attracting investors is your investor deck. Learn from producer Sara Elizabeth Timmins. You’ve seen Sara's work on HBO, The Hallmark Channel, Starz, Showtime, internationally, and in theaters. Start learning on Tuesday January 3. Start your year off by learning how to fund your projects.
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Looking forward to working with everyone! What fun films we have to work with over the course of this lab :)
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Class 4 is tonight! See you all soon~
Blimey! I wish I hadn't missed this lab!!! Just saw this now.
How come this spam/scam crap gets through a platform like this? Surely there's a tech team or even a lonely tech somewhere behind Stage 32 that can implement a simple filter. Or has this been outsourced to the member community too? It's just too easy to stop this rubbish from wasting members' time... Makes me kinda wonder if, maybe it's not entirely unintentional.