Introduce Yourself : New to Stage 32 by James Neuhaus

New to Stage 32

Hi! My name is James. I live in Atlanta and in NYC. I'm an aspiring screenwriter Would love to hear about other people's good work, what kinds of writing strategies you find most helpful, and your journey as a screenwriter. Please feel free to let me know whenever I can be of any help. Thanks!

Robert Russo

Start small. Get involved with local people to make connections. Value the people around you the most, because they are the ones you can add value to most and they can add value in return. They will likely be people who come up with you as you progress in your career. Join the many writing discords. Script hive, WGA Mixer. Enter into film contests. Read a lot of scripts. Take this very seriously. Your log lines, your synopsis, your scripts, they will all need to be prepared to a very high standard or you won't compete. Find the people who believe with you. Treat it like work. Every day you go to work, so every day you think about writing, or you're writing, or entering contests, doing anything to advance your writing career. Small goals eventually add up to bigger goals. Be humble and accept criticism on your projects, but also have the confidence to know when one of your ideas is really incredible (just do the work to execute it to the level you will need to so what is in your mind will come out properly on the page) Be easy to work with. Encourage everyone around you.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community and screenwriting, James Neuhaus.

I second what Robert Russo said. I also suggest checking out the Screenwriting Lounge ( It has so much incredible screenwriting advice and resources.

And build relationships/network (get to know people, support their projects, check in on them, offer your help on their projects, etc.). You can do this in the Lounges (, the Browse Section (, the Blogs (, direct messages, and the Writers' Room ( Building relationships/networking is key in screenwriting.

There are other things you can do to build your screenwriting career, but this is a start. Happy New Year!

Shellie Schmals

Hi James, so nice to meet you! I'm the Director of Community here at Stage 32, and also live in Atlanta! Are you currently working on any projects here?

Sydney Summers

Hi, James! Happy New Year and welcome to the Stage 32 community.

Amanda Toney

Hi James welcome to the Stage 32 community. Would love to hear about any projects you've worked on.

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to Stage 32 James! Have you tried out the Writers Room yet? Fantastic resource as you begin your screenwriting journey. Email me at and we can provide you with a free month.

Tyrone Harge

Hi James. Welcome!

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