Screenwriting : Screenwriting Contests by Pamela White

Pamela White

Screenwriting Contests

How high is the standard for grammar/formatting in screenwriting contests? Such as, you notice a few minor mistakes after you have submitted it. Is it over? Or do you still have a chance?

B A Mason

Contests are for making a first impression; it's to prove your talent as a writer. The priority is to have a smartly-written script.

But readers will get irked if major spelling / grammar / syntax errors show up. One or two isn't so bad... but if it distracts the reader from the experience you're in trouble.

L. Tom Deaver

The readers are professionals and will generally call you out on grammar errors. You need your work to shine when you submit it. That said, if your script is a brilliant story, minor grammar errors will likely be overlooked. But why make your baby scarred with poor grammar? Fix it and if you cannot hire someone to proofread it. All writers need second sets of eyes.

Mehul Desai

Wouldn't worry about minor errors, one of my scripts won a contest years back and when I went back to do a revision I was amazed how many typos and grammatical errors there were

Heather Ostrove

I've read for contests. Minor mistakes happen. I've read scripts going into production, and they have them too. It's not over. Now, if it was something BIG, like your script reads like a novel and/or frequently shows you don't know formatting, that would ding you. But it sounds like you're fine.

Molly Peck

Hi Pamela, if your aim is to win the contest, I would be concerned about grammar and spelling errors. If your goal is to place in the contest, it's not such a big issue. I would also check into resubmission options if you're worried about the draft you submitted - most contests offer the offer to send in a new draft after you've submitted, like we do on Stage 32.

Ayn Carrillo Gailey

I use Grammarly on my browser to scan digital files or I can input a script or chapters right into the program. There is a free and $12 premium version. My husband used it to proof his manuscript and it found more grammatical errors and typos then the professional proofers at Penguin/Random House. The premium also makes suggestions to bring a sentence alive and help you develop a voice that is not so passive.

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