Introduce Yourself : Hello Creators by Mia Balventy

Mia Balventy

Hello Creators

I'm Kim, and I'm on the journey of starting a children's channel. My background is in Marketing and I love cartoons, children's shows, and books. I'm happy to connect with animators and screenwriters with experience in how to start a children's channel on Youtube.  Any advice is much appreciated :) I'm glad to connect, learn, collab, and grow in this amazing industry!

B A Mason

This sounds like a job for Nathaniel Baker or Maurice Vaughan - Stage32's resident childrens' animation experts.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Kim. Starting a children's channel sounds exciting! I mainly know about writing Animation scripts and Animation shows, not children's channels. Stage 32 has a webinar that you might be interested in. It's titled "How to Make Short Form Animation Content That Gets You Noticed" (

If I find any more resources that could help, I'll send them to you.

I'm looking forward to working together in the future. Best to you on starting your channel! :D

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the shout-out, B A Mason!

GiGi Raines

Hi Kim! Such a great idea! We do have several execs who specialize in animation who could advise on how to get started. If you write into happy to recommend a few for consultations to help you get started!

Mia Balventy

Thank you Maurice Vaughan, checking the webinar now :)

Mia Balventy

Thank you GiGi Raines , really helpful for me to have a consultation with an expert :)

Mia Balventy

Thank you Matthew Gross , I'm looking on Youtube channels as well, and will check the ones you mentioned :)

Leonardo Ramirez

I LOVE this idea and would love to learn more. I'm in the rewriting stage of a kids animated pilot and have an animation studio whom I"m closely connected with locally that supports it and others. Please keep us updated.

Mia Balventy

sure Leonardo Ramirez . Best wishes to you and the team on your animation project

Leonardo Ramirez

Mia Balventy Thanks so much. And to you as well!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mia Balventy.

Osaze Adeyi

Hello Kim I am naturally gift animation writer i currently working on my 3d animation script called adam:first evolution feel free to add me to accept my request to join your network

Melissa Butler

Hello Kim, what type of projects are you looking to have on your children's channel? I am a screenwriter. I started out working on a YouTube channel. We created a puppet show. I'd love to get back into children's entertainment. I'd love to see if we are a good fit to work together. Contact me here or shoot me an email at

Sydney S

Welcome to the community Kim! What is your favorite book/ children's show?

Matthew Anthony Williams

Welcome, Kim!

Mia Balventy

Melissa Butler thanks for your comment, I sent you a DM to connect.

Mia Balventy

Osaze Adeyi amazing, animation really calls my attention, we will connect. Thank you

Molly Peck

This is really exciting Kim! I wanted to let you know that we are currently running a Family Friendly Screenwriting Contest that sounds right up your alley - check it out:

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to the community Kim! I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our executive offerings for you please email me directly at Always happy to help!

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