Introduce Yourself : Hey There! by Krystle Weaver

Krystle Weaver

Hey There!

Hey all! Just introducing myself. I’m a screenwriter, actor, filmmaker, director, photographer and producer - jack of all trades, master of none? Jk. I like to dive into it all. :) My debut short “Aspersion” is currently in post production and my film production team is getting ready to release the trailer soon and submit the film to festivals all over the world! I also help run the Phoenixville Film Festival (it’s our first year! Check us out on Film Freeway and submit your films and screenplays!! ) Let’s connect. Love meeting creatives! Have a great weekend!

Maurice Vaughan

Jack of all trades, wearer of many hats. :) Congratulations on getting "Aspersion" to post-production!

Krystle Weaver

Thanks so much, Maurice! :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. I'm looking forward to seeing the trailer.

Molly Peck

Welcome Krystle, that's so exciting!

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