Format question guys. I have a character listening to someone talk. After a while, his (V.O.) kicks in. He tunes out the person talking, although we still hear their indistinguishable, except for an occasional short line. How would I format this?
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I think nothing needs to be done. if background speech is not important to the plot, it does not need to be described. this is the task of the director and sound engineer.
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Something like this, Les Collins?
A dejected EMPLOYEE (30s) hands a grumpy MAN (40s) his bag. The line is longggg. The man scans his receipt.
What!? You charged me extra!
No, sir. I didn't.
You did! It says here you charged me twice. Twice!
The employee tunes him out, but the man's muffled words are still heard.
He thinks I overcharged him. I did, I didn't. I don't care.
Give me my money back! Right now!
Customers in line mumble and frown, growing impatient. The employee tunes the man out again.
I wonder if she's thinking about me.
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Read them Scorsese wiseguys scripts...plenty of voice overring done right...