Introduce Yourself : New to Stage 32 by Ebaa Mohmed

Ebaa Mohmed

New to Stage 32

Hi everyone! My name is Ebaa Mohmed, I’m a 21-year-old writer and director based out of Stamford, Connecticut. I currently have a short psychological thriller in pre production and would love to connect with new faces.

Christiane Lange

Welcome! Cool that you are moving ahead with your first short. I am trying to do same :)

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Ebaa. I'm looking forward to seeing your short.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Ebaa Mohmed - so nice to meet you, and congratulations on your short, that's so exciting!

Here are a few helpful blogs to get you started >>

Navigating Stage 32 For Your Best Experience

7 Tips To Make Your Stage 32 Profile Work for You

Ziad Sameh

okay but Iam in Egypt how can I?

Michael Chaula

I am michael would love to connect with you

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Ziad Sameh. Location doesn't matter. You can network with people all over the world on Stage 32.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Ebaa - it’s great to meet you here and welcome to the community! I’ve the Director of Education at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education for you or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please email me directly at

Sydney Summers

Welcome to the community :)

Julia Warren

Welcome, Ebaa, as you both write and direct, you might also be interested in joining these lounges:

Happy navigating!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, Ebba. As you can see, this is one welcoming and supportive community. Dive right in!

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