Animation : Animation voices by Robert Graphik

Robert Graphik

Animation voices

i am posting this again here as I know we have had issues with finding solid voice actors for our animations.

has anyone tried ai to help them read through their scripts? if so what have you been using? I include a link to voice ai if anyone wants to try it I think you get one free voice to try. I get credits if you sign up with this link full disclosure. but you can go to the website without it. simply

Niki Galiano

Yea, I used Replica for many of my smaller parts in my animation. Murf was also good, but Replica had more interesting character voices, so I went with them. I used about half real voice actors and half AI voices in my production.

Elaine Haygood

Oooooo! I was wondering if I could afford to hire actors for a couple of "animatic commercials" I'm planning to do to help market my book.

This looks interesting.

Claire Dodin

Ewww. Personally, AI voices make me cringe. If you need good voices for your animation, PM me, I'm very used to casting animation and you'll get real humans who are actually good.

Niki Galiano

Claire - The AI voices these days are much better than they were a couple of years ago. They sound. much more realistic now. I used to cringe when I heard them, too, and some of them are still cringe-worthy, but a lot of them sound very realistic.

Mike Boas

Go to some local theater, communicate with film groups in your town. AI might be able to talk, but it can't "act" (yet).

Mike Boas

I just saw a South Park AI gimmick video online -- you submit your character and it generates a video with plot, voices, etc. The AI voices sound human, but have no inflection. Not useful in this regard.

Elaine Haygood

My intention is to use them for background voices for a series of short, "animatic-style" commercials for social media.

Niki Galiano

Also, check out Descript. This is new and the voices sound just like humans. I haven't started using it yet (still using the AI voices from my Replica account), but when my money runs out on Replica, I'll probably switch to Descript. You can also clone your own voice with Descript.

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