Introduce Yourself : Reintroduction! by Rick Lance

Rick Lance


Hello Ya'll! I've been a Voice Over/Voice Actor, full time since 2007. Been a talent... on cam, stage, around 30 years now. I am recently widowed, living/working in my new home studio in my rustic, rural home in Centerville, TN near Nashville. Once you find the niche within the VO biz.... go for it! Promoting only to that niche. That's what's worked for me. Please visit watch some vids, hear some audio demos, send me any questions, comments or inquiries you may have. Have a great new year! Rick, The Voice of Americana

Niki H

Hi Rick, it's lovely to meet you! My condolences on your loss of a life partner. It's great that you have a home studio. I am really interested in VO work and Audiobooks but renting a house with thin walls and little closets made starting that work on my own take a back seat. Lol. So Americana is what you found as your niche? Your voice has that perfect bass resonance for ASMR as well. Love the documentary demo!

Rick Lance

Hi Niki.. Nice to meet you too! Thank for your message and comments. Well, you're certainly in a great city for VO work! A solution to your noise problem may be to get a portable recording booth. They can sit in the middle of a room and isolate you from the noisy world outside... or right next to you. Isolating the sound around your mic is important too. Check out booths made by Scot's, Whisper Room, Studio Bricks and others. They're a bit pricey but effective. I did an ASMR project once. Fortunately, I do a variety of work. I know you're busy with other stuff but maybe you can add VO work too. Take care!

Maurice Vaughan

I checked out your work, Rick Lance. Great voiceovers! You have a strong voice! My condolences to you, your family, and your wife's family.

Rick Lance

Hi Maurice... thanks for checking out my website! And for your thoughts and condolences.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Rick Lance. Have you checked out the Acting Lounge (

Rick Lance

STOP using my post to solicit me with your BS sales links like the one above!!!

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