Screenwriting : Jon: New writer by Jon King

Jon King

Jon: New writer

Hello! I'm Jon and I'm just getting into screenwriting. I hope to make some connections and possibly work with some new people. Cheers!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to screenwriting, Jon King. What genres do you wanna write?

Jon King

Thanks Maurice Vaughan ! I want to write comedic television and sketch comedy/ improv.

Alicia Vaughan

Hi Jon, welcome to our world.

Jon King

Hi Alicia Vaughan , thank you!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jon King. Stage 32 and Netflix partnered up to make webinars. Here's one about writing Comedy scripts for streaming TV:

Sam Sokolow

Hi Jon - awesome to meet you here in the community! Excited for your journey. Please allow me to recommend this upcoming Stage 32 comedy writing lab where you can work one-on-one with a top literary manager to write a comedy pilot in 6 weeks. Spencer is an awesome resource and teacher. Here’s a link so you can check it out:

Khalil Hakeem

Hi, Jon. Most of us here are either new screenwriters or in the very early stages of our careers. Welcome aboard!

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the community, Jon! We're so excited to have you here!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Jon! Welcome. So much great advice already, so I'lll just add, when you get a moment, be sure to upload a profile pic and fill out your bio. Doing both will help you tremendously with your networking and profile awareness on this platform. Look forward to seeing you around the community!

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