Introduce Yourself : Newbie Screenwriter, Experienced Writer, Author of "All of the Other Marketing Books are Crap" by Denise Kohnke

Denise Kohnke

Newbie Screenwriter, Experienced Writer, Author of "All of the Other Marketing Books are Crap"

Hi Everyone. It's good to be here. This has been a long time coming; an unrequited love. Worked full time, raised three kids, started businesses, drove businesses in the ground, cared for the love of my life for years before he died in my arms. Guess it's my time to write what I want. Nice to meet you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Pleasure to meet you, Denise. Thrilled to have you here. Have to say, that's one awesome title for a book.

So sorry for your loss.

Maureen Mahon

Wow, Denise. You have some stories to tell. Welcome!

Niki H

Hi Denise, it's lovely to meet you! Sounds like you have a lot of stories from the life you've lived so far. Be sure you check out the screenwriting lounge to connect with your fellow writers.

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