Introduce Yourself : Greetings Stager 32ers!!! If you're in NYC area on Monday March 27th.... by Nathan Waire

Nathan Waire

Greetings Stager 32ers!!! If you're in NYC area on Monday March 27th....

Greetings ALL!!!

I have been on this site for over a year and done so much thanks to the community and connections. If you check out my page on this site you will see 2 readings that I conducted by finding talent on this site!!! I was even asked to write a blog post that explained how easy it was to organize a reading through Stage 32 via Zoom.

As a further extension of this networking I would recommend that (if you get the chance) check out my blogspot to see about events in NYC area (one of which is on the 27th of March and you have to preregister for that networking through Eventbrite... you also have to have a LinkedIn or IMDB url to buy tickets for that one). So, if you are in the NYC area come check out me and some of industry people... and if they aren't on Stage 32 I'll tell them to join!!!! Hope to see you there!!!! BTW- The Eventbrite Link is on my blogspot page!!


Nathan Zen-Sapien
Nathan Zen-Sapien
ArTiSt, AuThOr, DiReCtOr AnD mOrE...
Maurice Vaughan

N8! :D How's it going?

Nathan Waire

Maurice Vaughan its been smooth sailing just preparing for a few events!!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Nathan Waire. Hope you make some great connections at the events.

Emily J

Hi Nathan Waire! Love having you as part of this community and so glad for all the success you've found so far. That blog post was great! Now that you've finished your table read, what are the next steps for your project and how's it going?

Nathan Waire

Maurice Vaughan as for the event I’ll quote Yoda,”Do or do not…” lol and Emily J I am still waiting on agents who said they were going to respond so it’s a little too early lol!!! When it’s time to push I’ll PUSH!!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Nathan Waire. I wonder how Yoda would say "Just do it" (the Nike slogan). "Do it just"?

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