Hi, folks!It's Oğuz Kalkan I am a producer and director of the short movies and Asistant Of the Producer for future movies. As Multidisciplinary artist I work on the my photography projects and my new future scripts. I'm looking for a new chapter to my career. Please feel free to make contact
Welcome to the community, Oğuz Kalkan. What genres do you produce and direct?
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I love to work on genre of psycho-thriller my las publishing shortmovie was that genre but at the sametime for me key is the the meaning of the story I can use correct genre for the story the importonce is what kind of the story tell I want sometimes it can be comedy sometimes thriller,sitcoms or action. I know as producer the most important thing should be master of a genre but my challenge is the always the be good Storyteller and found correct things(genre, character, the way of the story) and bring together them all
I like to focus on theme/the meaning of a story too, Oğuz Kalkan. It doesn't matter what genre I write, I make sure there's a theme. Theme ties everything together in a story. Most of the time I know the theme before starting a script, but sometimes I change the theme as I write a script.