So, I know a lot of companies listen to the pitches of written screenplays/movie scripts.... Do any of them just take the whole story as is and not ever change anything? You know, just to Except it and make it that way...?
So, I know a lot of companies listen to the pitches of written screenplays/movie scripts.... Do any of them just take the whole story as is and not ever change anything? You know, just to Except it and make it that way...?
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Hi Kim: Short answer is no never. As film is a creative collaboration, everyone wants to add their touch even to a flawless script or story. Or the original needs a tweak because it's too long as in a book to film - I see you're an author.
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You have to write a screenplay so good that after the Producer, the Director and the Actors mess it up, it's still good.
Probably my favorite quote.
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Odds are elements of your story will change for a number of reasons (budget, director's input, actor's input, company's input) but that's not always a bad thing. Making a film is a collaborative art form which often results in changes to the script.
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Great advice on this thread, and I especially like Nick’s point. Think of the script as the baseline that everyone involved can collaborate from. It will change, it’s part of the process.