Producing : Logline and Synopsis Viewing by Nicole Miller

Nicole Miller

Logline and Synopsis Viewing


One of the finance/ production companies that requested a script of mine almost 2 weeks ago keeps going back on my InkTip profile and viewing my logline and synopsis. Sometimes it happens twice in one day. Why might that be? It wasn't surprising they viewed it a few times before they requested the script, but now that they have a copy, what could be their reason?

(For those of you unaware, InkTip allows you to send private links to your work via email and then alerts you each time your work has been viewed by a writer, producer, manager, etc.)

Richard "RB" Botto

Could be different people at the company having a look. Could be that they're comparing your logline to others. Or it could be a glitch within InkTip's system. This is all to say, don't worry about it and don't hang on one read. Keep going and keep putting yourself in position to get more reads. You want to control what you can control at all times and get as many lines in the water as possible.

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