Filmmaking / Directing : Life of a First Feature Film Director: Hard lessons learned in screenwriting. by Daniel Latteo

Daniel Latteo

Life of a First Feature Film Director: Hard lessons learned in screenwriting.

Hi guys, it's Daniel the filmmaker here!

Recently, I've registered another script at the Writers Guild of America.... It's my second in 4 months.

As some of you know, the first will become my debut horror film. While the second one, is in competition in the most prestigious screenwriting contest in the world: The Academy Nicholls Fellowship.

Anyway, all personal pride aside, from all those months of hard work I've learned some valuable lessons, which I feel like sharing here with my fellow writers/directors...

N'1: A script is not a premise! Doesn't matter how excited & hopeful you were when you felt that initial spark of an idea which you thought was going to be the next big thing. Remember that from there it's a long way to go & lots of days spent on the keyboard.

N'2: Seemingly in total contrast with my point above -- Do trust your original ideas & rapturous intuitions, especially the ones you instantly captured on index cards or a mere piece of paper. Remember that the more you go on with the polishing and the rewriting, the more this becomes a thinking job. A mechanical job. Same for everyone else. In those original, spur-of-the-moment ideas & intuitions, there may be what really sets you apart from the others... What really could make your script special. Keep them always close!

N'3: Also, if you're a writer/director, you learn one fundamental lesson from writing: that the story is the true dictator of the film and to economize every scene in service of the story. The story dictates to you where to put the camera and how to block the scene, so you don't force the shots into it or you don't do anything unnatural, but only what the story requires.

N'4: And the last thing and (to me) the most important of all... Write with soul! Don't be too obsessed with technique! The technique is replicable. The soul of the writer isn't.

Anyway, this is my little contribution guys. It ain't much, but I hope it helps. Great news coming up soon about my debut horror feature... Stay tuned!!✍️

Breana Towers

I needed to read this today. Thank you!

Daniel Latteo

Breana Towers

Thank you Breana! I appreciate it.

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