Screenwriting : Webinar: What Really Drives A Story (It's Not What You Think) by Ben Cahan

Ben Cahan

Webinar: What Really Drives A Story (It's Not What You Think)

Screenwriters, be sure to watch the 55 minute webinar by screenwriting author/educator Mitch German, where he explains in detail how most great stories are actually TWO stories...illustrating the difference between what "causes" a story and what "drives" a story.

REPLAY: What Really Drives A Story (It's Not What You Think) | Talentville Webinar
REPLAY: What Really Drives A Story (It's Not What You Think) | Talentville Webinar
At the time of its release, E.T. The Extra Terrestrial was the highest grossing movie of all time. It solidified Steven Speilberg as one of the all time great and most successful directors. More impor…
Sam Sokolow

This is such a great topic. Stage 32 has world class eduction on screenwriting, character and story right here. Here’s a link so you can browse Stage 32 screenwriting education:

David Kleve

Very interesting. Wonderful explanations. Sort of the simplicity driving the complexity.

John Clive Carter

Excellent webinar. Thank you.

Ben Cahan

Thanks, John. We're ramping up to at least one screenwriting-related webinar a week. For those who aren't also members at my site, I'll post links to view the ones that are public.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Really interesting Ben. I think that I got (part of) your idea after about 4 minutes into the webinar. I can imagion that in one of my favorite movies, "Unbreakable," Mister Glass is the one driving the movie - trying to find out if he really has a counter part, and us as an audience finding out he does. Although without Bruce being a superhero the movie does make no sence, we need to get the notice that without the good there can not be the bad -- jing-jang. Still, if a lead in whathever movie does not 'controle' the situation (or in some of your examples even the story/theme itself) , it still means he/she must try to take controle over it, again, and again. Be hyper active to save the day!

My two cents.

Now I'm going to watch the rest of the free webinar....

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