Introduce Yourself : Brooklyn (& NY) Networking!!! by Nathan Waire

Nathan Waire

Brooklyn (& NY) Networking!!!

Greetings Everyone!!! Some of you know me as a filmmaker and screenwriter but I recently was made a media partner with NY Film/TV Collective and Planet X!!! If you go to my blog you’ll see a post about major networking event in Brooklyn on April 27th from 6:30 to 9:30pm! There’ll be producers,actors,screenwriters, and other industry people there!!! Today is the last day to get tickets so when you go to my site hit the eventbrite link and get your tickets!!!! I and others from Stage 32 will be there! N8!!!

Maurice Vaughan

I have family in Brooklyn, Nathan Waire. I haven't been there though. I've only been to Manhattan. We were gonna see the inside of Madison Square Garden, but it was closed for repair or something.

Nathan Waire

Maurice Vaughan you look like the NY type!!! When you heading back to the city??? It would be cool to meet you in person instead of just zoom!!!

Beatrice Wong

Hi, Nathan, nice to meet you! I have always wanted to go to the Big Apple one day.

Maurice Vaughan

That would be cool, Nathan Waire. I'm not sure when I'll be in NY again. I'm actually the country type. Haha I'm from a small town in NC that has a population under 1,000.

Sam Sokolow

Hey Nathan - It’s great to meet a fellow New Yorker here in the community (although I hang my hat in LA these days). I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please email me at You can also browse all of Stage 32 education here at this link:

Nathan Waire

Beatrice Wong if you're ever in the area I'll be sure to get you in the loop!!!

Nathan Waire

Sam Sokolow I'll be sure to check out the new stuff and it's cool knowing that you're a NYer!!! Maurice Vaughan even though I was born out East I spent the majority of my childhood in Milwaukee, WI with just a few years in Chicago!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, N8. So, are you a Knicks, Nets, Bucks, or Bulls fan?

Helen Giron

That’s great Nathan im sure you are happy about new film/tv show

Nathan Waire

Maurice Vaughan between the Knicks and The Bucks...I'm torn but if you are talking about the past everybody was a fan of

Jordan's Bulls

Nathan Waire

FYI - Even though the early deadline expired you can still get tickets to the event for $15

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, I was a Jordan's Bulls fan growing up, Nathan Waire. My team is Golden State Warriors.

Beatrice Wong

Nathan Waire, that would be great! I bear that in mind whenever/ if I can travel to that side of the world!

Nathan Waire

Beatrice Wong I look forward to that time... until then Good Luck!!!!

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