Introduce Yourself : Executive Producer, CFO, Film Studio Co-Owner, actor, screenwriter by Eric Ross Gilliatt

Eric Ross Gilliatt

Executive Producer, CFO, Film Studio Co-Owner, actor, screenwriter

Welcome to all new Stage 32 members and hello to all existing colleagues. Hope everyone is doing well and having a successful year so far.

It is the end of the traditional "pitching season" soon as producers and studios look at setting up their intended projects for pre-production, and hopefully financing for production.

That's where we are at Kaleidoscope Studios,, hoping to step into development financing for our three packaged award-winning main projects. With all the industry market changes these last couple of years, it is an even more challenging stage (no pun intended) to undertake. Indeed, we too, are hoping to find capable, viable co-producers to move forward with this year.

Best of luck to everyone.

Emily J

Hi Eric Ross Gilliatt! So glad you're here! Are you working on any cool new projects?

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