Introduce Yourself : Introducing Myself by Joseph Sullivan

Introducing Myself

Hi! My name is Joseph Sullivan. I am a 27 year old aspiring writer in the Cleveland area. I started writing about 2 years ago after I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder as it helps occupy my mind. That's when I wrote Cannibal Ranch which was a quarterfinalist in the Table Read My Screenplay Competition (Summer 2022). After a few producers asked to read it, but ultimately passed, I have started writing a couple new scripts. A horror titled House of Nightmares and a drama titled A Mother's Love. I am currently rewriting some of the dialogue for A Mother's Love as I await notes for House of Nightmares. Anyways, thought I'd finally introduce myself as I've been on this sight for a while now.

David Abrookin

Welcome! Glad to have you here, Joseph Sullivan!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Joseph Sullivan. You write different genres. What's your favorite one?

Joseph Sullivan

Maurice Vaughan I've written 2 horror and have ideas for a few more so I'd horror is definitely my favorite

Geoff Hall

Greetings Joseph Sullivan it’s great to meet you here, on our IYW. It’s good to welcome another horror writer at Stage32.

Maurice Vaughan

Me too, Joseph Sullivan. Most of my scripts are micro-budget and low-budget Contained Horror. Contained Horror (and Contained Thriller) can be hard to write because things can get boring in one location/a few locations.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Joseph - so glad you posted and it sounds like you’re doing some really cool work. It’s great to meet you here in the community! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please email me at You can also browse all of Stage 32 education here at this link:

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